Sunday, April 15, 2012
New Baby Boy!
We had a new baby boy this morning at 9.06 am. His name is Blake Ryan. He is 7lbs 12oz. and 19.5 inches long. He was scheduled to be delivered by c-section on Wednesday. But he didn't want to wait! I went into labor at 5.30 am. He was delivered by c-section and Momma & Baby are doing well! I've been trying to upload a photo but it isn't working :( my brother is bringing me a laptop so I will try again! Stay tuned :) He has lots of black hair!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
2011 Christmas Letter
Tiemann Family Highlights & Memories of 2011
-David & Briana went to Two Harbors, MN for 3 days in February to celebrate Briana's birthday & Valentine's Day.
-Clayton turned 4 on March 6th & Connor turned 3 on July 21st!
-David's Grandpa Ruter went home to be with Lord on March 23rd. He was a special man and is greatly missed but we look forward to seeing him again in heaven!
-Took the boy's to an indoor waterpark for some family fun in April.
-David played softball again this year with his Dad, brothers, uncle and cousins. They were undefeated all year! He also played on another team with Briana's brothers. The boy's and I didn't miss a single game to cheer him on!
-Celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary :D
-Welcomed a nephew, niece, sister-in-law & brother-in-law to the family.
-Tiemann Family outing to a friend's cabin in Park Rapids, MN. Lots of fun, food & memories!
-Found out we are expecting baby #3! Baby is due to arrive in mid-April.
-David & Briana traveled to Mexico for Ryan (David's brother) and Zelina's wedding in September!
-David & Briana had the privilege of being in Linnea (David's sister) and Jason's wedding in October!
-David went up-north for his annual deer hunting trip. They tried a new area but had little success. He still enjoys this time of being with the guys!
-David resigned from his job at the City of Corcoran in November. He is currently working for his Dad while looking for a new job. We would appreciate your prayers for a new job, the Lord has been so faithful and He has blessed us beyond our imagination already!
-Family trip to Texas to visit Ryan & Zelina, Galveston, TX to see the "Ocean," Mississippi to have Thanksgiving with Briana's Grandparents and Moline, IL to see John Deere headquarters. We had a wonderful time and it was a definate highlight for all of us!
-Celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior this Christmas with both our families.
We thank God for each and everyone of you! May you have a blessed and wonderful year in 2012!
Much Love,
David, Briana, Clayton, Connor & Baby Tiemann
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Strawberries & Cousins
Yesterday I had Coleton & Sarina for the day so that Sarah could have the day off and spend some time with her new little baby. At about 8:15 in the morning my cousin called me to see if I wanted to meet her in Delano to pick strawberries with her and her 2 little girls. I made arrangements to have my sister Lydia come with to help us. Here is the picture of the 6 little ones and our 25 lbs of fresh picked strawberries!
Clara, Connor, Sarina, Lola, Clayton & Coleton
They had this cow train that the kiddos could ride in, I definitely think that was the highlight for them! It was super cute :D
And of course, you wouldn't be David Tiemann's son if you didn't notice the John Deere Gator that pulled the train!
After our drive home, I put all the kids down for a nap and took a little rest on the couch myself. At around 7:00 last night Chase and Sarah brought little Willow over. We watched her so Chase and Sarah could have a date night. It was so fun! Here's a picture of the 5 kiddos!
Sarina, Coleton, Willow, Clayton & Connor
Sweet Baby Willow!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I think that I have decided that potty training is my least favorite part of motherhood. Last Monday night I decided to take on the task of potty training Connor (he is 2 1/2). So on Tuesday morning when he got up we put underwear on (he was sooo excited!) Well, I didn't have the same level of excitement especially when I cleaned up 4-5 accidents that morning (thank goodness for naptime!) As much as I dislike this, I keep reminding myself of how much money we are saving by not having him in diapers or pull-ups. Yesterday we had a lot of progress and I went to bed last night feeling very positive about how well he did, only 2 accidents in the whole day! Unfortunately, he has already had 2 accidents today. Both boy's wear diapers at nap and bedtime, and this week Clayton wants to work on staying dry at naps and bedtime so he can wear underwear to bed. So I am trying to do better about having dinner ready early enough so he can be done drinking by 6:30 at night. So all this to say, I haven't gotten anything else done in the past week, it is amazing how much time goes into putting kids on potty, cleaning up messes, washing clothes and trying to stay calm and positive (I struggle with this one the most!) Well, need to go, Connor just informed me that he pooped in his underwear! (make it 3 accidents :P)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Some Winter Picture's
We have had REALLY long and snowy winter this year and we have all been beginning to wander if spring is ever going to arrive. But this weeks "warm" spell has almost melted all of our snow. The boy's have had a lot of fun in the snow this year, here are some picture's:
Clayton, Connor and Daddy under our big pine tree
It was fairly cold all winter so when it warmed up a bit, the boy's begged Daddy to make a snowman.....
...but he didn't even last for a day. That night we had extremely high winds so Mr. Snowman blew over! :o(
Dakota loves all the attention he can get!
This is a random picture, but I just had to post it. On my birthday my brother's gave me this red scarf. Connor loves scarves and wanted to wear my other one, as you can tell by the smile on his face- he loved it!
Come on spring!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Kids Kwotes
Yesterday I was filling a water pitcher and Clayton asks, "who made the water?" Connor answers, "God made the water," then a thoughtful pause-he continues, "and probably Daddy helped him!"
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