Here's a picture of my little cuties, they are feeling much better. Praise the Lord!

This picture was taken the day before we went to see the doctor for the second time. My parents and Lydia had come over to watch the boy's so David & I could go out to supper. That night Clayton was up all night. I was able to get in to see our Family Practice doctor, she was booked until the following Tuesday, but she just "happened" to have an opening. She was pretty sure that it was some sort of intestinal infection. We did some stool samples, fun-fun :P and then we were able to put them on antibiotics. They perked up pretty quick after that. We are so grateful that they are healthy again, it was a long haul of being sick. Thank-you to all of you that were praying for us. We appreciate it so much!
We are off to to the park for a picnic and then to the pool! Looking forward to enjoying the warm weather!