When I was growing up, "Never Give-Up" was our family motto. In the past months I have felt like giving up many times, mainly in the area of child training. I just seems so hard and unrewarding at times. I know that I shouldn't give-up but I have been feeling like I am fighting a losing battle at times.
A couple days ago I found a note that David had written to me a while back. I had saved it because of the good reminder. It says...."And let us not be weary in well doing: for in DUE SEASON we SHALL REAP if we FAINT NOT. Gal. 6:9 Keep up the good fight, my love" :D Well, I decided I needed to put this somewhere where I could see it everyday to remind me to not be weary and not to faint! I was pondering where I could put this golden piece of advice and it came to me. I hung the note on my 2-year olds door! I have to say that he has given me a run for my money, and I thought I was stubborn! (Yes, Mom & Dad, I'm sure you can smile at this :)
Yesterday was a trying day. I was so discouraged and wondered if things will ever get better. Last night I asked the Lord for wisdom in how to raise my boy's. That he would grant me patience and remind me that I am to be a good example to them, to speak in a kind and loving tone. I also asked my Mom if she could have everyone pray for us. Well, this morning both boy's slept until after 7:30 and they were so happy! They had been getting up at 6:00 and being horribly crabby! I was just reading in a little devotional book (Grace for the Moment by Max Lucado) and today's reading hit me like a Mack Truck. Here is what it said...
November 4th
Run The Race
"Let us run the race that is before us and never give up. Heb. 12:1
"The word race is from the Greek, agon, from which we get the word agony. The Christian's race is not a jog but rather a demanding and grueling, sometimes agonizing race. It takes massive effort to finish strong.
Likely you've noticed that many don't? Surely you've observed there are many on the side of the trail? They used to be running. There was a time when they kept the pace. But then weariness set in. They didn't think the run would be this tough...
By contrast, Jesus' best work was his final work, and his strongest step was his last step. Our Master is the classic example of one who endured....He could have quit the race. But he didn't."
Just Like Jesus
I just wanted to share what the Lord is doing in my life. He is refining me and teaching me things that are hard to learn but He is always by my side even when I fail or feel like giving up! I had Bible Study the other night and the teaching was on Prayer: Leaving A Legacy. She shared 5 attributes of God.
1. He's Always There - Hebrews 10:5
2. He Always Answers - Psalm 34:9
3. He Always Understands - Psalm 103:14 & 139:13
4. He Always Forgives - 1 John 1:9
5. He Always Loves - Jeremiah 31:3
I want to memorize these along with the verses and then teach them to my boy's.
I am grateful for the opportunity to be a mom and that I am daily asked to give of myself. Otherwise, I don't think that I would! I am grateful for my boy's and that the Lord entrusted them to me, it is a job that I don't want to take lightly!