Every year at this time, I reflect on the birth of my first born, Clayton David. He was born on March 6, 2007. He was 6 weeks premature. My water broke so we went to the hospital. When we got there we found out that he was footling breech (feet-first). One of the biggest concerns with footling breech and a preemie is that their head is usually quite large compared to the rest of there body, so their head can get stuck. I ended up needing to have an emergency c-section. I was in full transition by this time as they began to prep me for surgery. My doctor was out of town so we had the on-call doctor. She wouldn't let David come with during the surgery which was really scary. I had to depend on the Lord and trust that He would take care of me and my unborn child. I was very afraid for my baby. He was totally in the birth canal and he was stuck. They ended up needing to do what they call a T-incision to get him out. We are grateful that the doctor was able to get him out safely.
They told David before they took me in to stand right out side the delivery door but to stay out of the way because they would probably be rushing the baby out to get him to intensive care. They instructed David to just follow them. David waited for what seemed like an eternity. Finally they wheeled the baby out, it was a boy! He was perfectly fine and breathing on his own, this was such a miracle!
Here he is minutes after being born in the ICU. He was so wide awake and alert! He is holding on to Daddy's thumb.
Daddy holding Clayton for the first time!
Because I had to have an emergency c-section, I had to be put out. It took about an hour for me to wake up. My Dad was with me when I woke up and remember asking him if my baby was okay. I will never forget the huge smile on his face, I knew everything was alright! Then David came up to my room to tell me we had a beautiful baby boy! This picture was taken in the ICU, I had just seen my baby for the first time! Words can't describe how I felt!
Holding Clayton for the first time and being wrapped in my husband's arms, life doesn't get much better than this! We felt so blessed!
March 10, 2007-Going home from the hospital!