Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Easter Pictures

David's sister, Linnea, took some pictures for us on Easter. I feel like we rarely ever get pictures of just David and I very often!
This was the only picture that somewhat turned out. It is so cute of Clayton and Connor wanted nothing to do with getting his picture taken!
4 Cousins. Clayton, Connor, Sarina & Coleton.


  1. Congratulations on your blog. Great job! The pictures are priceless.

    Mimi & Papa

  2. Hi Briana!
    I was on Mrs. Gunn's blog this morning and noticed you had made a comment on one of her posts that I was looking at, so I got onto your profile and was excited to find out that you have started blogging!
    I enjoyed looking at the posts you have done so far! The pictures are wonderful!
    God bless!

