Wednesday, November 3, 2010

4-Wheeling, Cabin & Campfire Fun

We had another opportunity to get-away to my Aunt and Uncle's Cabin this fall. Here are some pictures from our time there....
Momma & Clayton
The fall colors were just gorgeous so we tried to get a family picture to use for Christmas! David snapped this one of Clayton and me, I love it!
Daddy & Connor
Say Cheese!
Connor, Momma & Clayton hauling firewood.
We did a lot of 4-wheeling. We all enjoy it soo much and it is a beautiful place to be.
Clayton & Connor eating Campfire Donuts. We made all of our meals over the campfire, it was so fun! We did hot dogs, campfire pizza's, omelets in a bag, campfire donuts (a must) and s'mores. It was a great adventure and everything turned out!
Here is our rig in front of the cabin. David strapped the boy's Tonka trucks on the trailer behind the 4-wheelers. We got a lot of double takes from people when we drove by!
As always it was a fun, relaxing and recharging weekend! Thanks Again, Dan & Brenda!


  1. How Fun!! Great photos--I especially love the one of you, Briana, and Clayton! You should blow it up and put it on your wall! So glad you could get away and recharge.
    Mrs. Gunn

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We will have to get your recipe for the campfire donuts :)
