Saturday, August 14, 2010

Connor Reading Birthday Card

My grandparents sent this card to Connor for his 2nd birthday (July 21st). He just loved looking at it. The pictures have little colored round circles (like thumb-tact's) he thought they were candy! Thank-you Mimi & Papa for thinking of him!

P.S. Yes, he does have a black-eye, he fell into the kitchen chair that Clayton was sitting on and tipped Clayton over! Never a dull moment over here! :D

1 comment:

  1. We're praying for you guys--Wow! you've been through it. We prayed as a family this morning, and have been throughout the day(s)! Is it always starting up on Sunday or Monday? I noticed that in the post below you mentioned Sunday, and in the prayer request email you mentioned two Mondays. Wondered if there was a common element that they were having a violent reaction to (food or ?) on the weekends, especially Sunday?
    Hope you're doing better today, and that your appointment today (and Clayton's tomorrow) goes well!
    Mrs. Gunn
