Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I think that I have decided that potty training is my least favorite part of motherhood. Last Monday night I decided to take on the task of potty training Connor (he is 2 1/2). So on Tuesday morning when he got up we put underwear on (he was sooo excited!) Well, I didn't have the same level of excitement especially when I cleaned up 4-5 accidents that morning (thank goodness for naptime!) As much as I dislike this, I keep reminding myself of how much money we are saving by not having him in diapers or pull-ups. Yesterday we had a lot of progress and I went to bed last night feeling very positive about how well he did, only 2 accidents in the whole day! Unfortunately, he has already had 2 accidents today. Both boy's wear diapers at nap and bedtime, and this week Clayton wants to work on staying dry at naps and bedtime so he can wear underwear to bed. So I am trying to do better about having dinner ready early enough so he can be done drinking by 6:30 at night. So all this to say, I haven't gotten anything else done in the past week, it is amazing how much time goes into putting kids on potty, cleaning up messes, washing clothes and trying to stay calm and positive (I struggle with this one the most!) Well, need to go, Connor just informed me that he pooped in his underwear! (make it 3 accidents :P)

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