Sunday, June 20, 2010

What We've Been Up To!

There is a story behind this day I had decided that I was going to work-out in the basement (I usually do this while the kids are sleeping or doing room time, etc.) But instead I set them up with a movie and went downstairs for some "me" time. It was rather quiet upstairs so I was pleased that things were going so well (note to self: whenever things are quiet, you better go and check it out.) I had no sooner had this thought when I heard something fall down the stairs. This alerted me to the fact that I should probably go check on what was going on. I come upstairs, get to the top and immediately I can smell passion fruit extra gum. Connor was stuffing as much as he could in his mouth, wrappers and all. I took this picture with the gum in my hand so you can tell how much he had in his mouth. I had actually thrown the gum away and then thought better of it, I needed to put this one on my blog!
Besides taking gum out of Connor's mouth and such things, I've been working on potty training. I decided to do both boy's together. Clayton is pretty much potty trained but Connor hasn't mastered it yet. I figure I'll wait a few month and try again. They are looking at John Deere tractor magazines, one of the things that kept Clayton on the toilet for longer than 2 seconds! :)


  1. That picture of them on the toilets is so great! And I love how Clayton's magazine is so perfectly covering him. Hilarious!
